Why don't I see my website Loyalty Widget?

Article author
Ben C.
  • Updated

There are multiple reasons why the Loyalty Widget may not be visible on your website using Twism. Here are a few scenarios where the website widget might not be visible and how to resolve them.

Acceptance of Cookies

Certain ecommerce host platforms, like Wix, require the acceptance of cookies on the website before the widget will appear. If cookies are not accepted yet, or the user declines the use of cookies, the widget will remain hidden and inaccessible.

The requirement for consent of cookies is a policy in place by Wix. To read more about this policy, click here.

Widget is Disabled

Another case in which the Loyalty Widget will not appear is if the widget is disabled in the Twism dashboard. To activate your widget, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Twism dashboard
  2. Go to My Tools > Loyalty Program > Widget
  3. Toggle the switch to the Active state
  4. Click Save changes

Twism Plug-in Script Paused

In certain cases, the Twism app script may be paused from the dashboard of your ecommerce website. Please view the instructions below of how to resume the script with the platform you use.


To resume the Twism app script from your Wix dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Manage Apps
  2. Next to Twism, click the three dots (...)
  3. Select "Resume Script" to relaunch the Loyalty Widget

Browser Not Supported

We do our best to support all browsers and versions, but there are some that unfortunately are not compatible. The widget may not appear for users viewing Wix websites using Safari version 13 or older.

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