Train staff to promote your Loyalty Rewards Program

Article author
Ben C.
  • Updated

Note: this article primarily pertains to businesses that sell goods in-person, NOT online. If you sell goods both at a brick-and mortar location and online, this may also pertain to you.

In order for your Loyalty Rewards Program to flourish, your staff will need to play an instrumental role in the promotion of your program. 

Primarily, any members of your team that are considered “front-of-house” or “customer-facing” should be aware of your business’ Loyalty Rewards Program, how customers earn Coins, and how to apply the respective discount when a customer chooses to pay with Coins.

Talking about Coins

Although they’re not expected to be experts of Twism, it’s highly advised to train your staff to educate customers to download the mobile app and link a credit or debit card to begin earning Loyalty Coins on every purchase.

Remind your staff members that 1 Coin is equivalent to $1 in value.

We also recommend encouraging your customers to download the app themselves so they can easily speak to customers from their first-hand experiences.

Emphasize the benefits

At the surface, employees may not see much value in promoting a Loyalty Rewards Program if it does not directly impact them. However, if you set up campaigns like Offers to be limited to specific dates, it can potentially result in more traffic on days that are usually slow, and less congestion on the days where your staff is feeling spread thin.

If your business is involved in the food or service industry, you can also emphasize to your staff that more repeat sales can result in more tips for them.

Applying Coins to Order

It’s very important to ensure that your staff members understand how to apply the proper discount in your POS system for when customers choose to pay with Coins.

Inform your staff members to ensure that the customer presents the redemption screen to them using their mobile device. It’s important that customers reach this screen as it will mean that Coins will have been removed from the customer's wallet balance.

Customers are instructed by the app to wait until a cashier or server is present before proceeding.

If your business is connected with Twism’s Square or Clover integrations, then this includes smart redemption functionality where a new discount code will automatically populate in your POS moments after the customer confirms to pay with Coins. The code will appear in the format of:

TWM 1234 John

$X.XX off



If your business uses another POS system, it is important to train your staff on how to apply these variable, dollars ($) off discounts.

Set up a fun challenge

We understand that as a business owner or manager, it can be difficult at times to encourage your employees to promote something new to customers.

In some cases they may perceive it as another thing for them to talk to customers about, and how that can sometimes disrupt their workflow. So, it might be a good idea to get creative and make it worth their while.

Consider setting a challenge with your staff, encouraging them to work together to increase the amount of customers signing up for your program. For example, you can offer them a prize, cash incentive, or extra Coins for them if the entire staff were to accomplish X new customers signing up for your program.

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