Discover exciting Offers from local and online businesses, including exclusive birthday deals in the Twism mobile app's Offers tab. The displayed list of promotions is dependent on your selected location.
Change Your Location
If you’d like to view Offers from a different location, tap the city name at the top of the screen. Search for your desired city and select it.
Filter Your Search
Utilize category and sorting filters to narrow down your search and find the offers that match your preferences.
View Specific Offers
To view a list of specific offers based on your filtered search, tap the "Offers" option at the bottom of the screen.
Explore Participating Businesses
Check out businesses with available offers by selecting the "Merchants" option at the bottom of the screen.
Search by Keyword
Use the search bar at the top of the screen to enter keywords based on your search.
After narrowing down your search by city and business category, you can tap on the Map option at the bottom of the screen to display a list of merchants in the area you are interested in.
To return to the list, tap List View.
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